
Eight Common Commercial Real Estate Investor Questions

Whether you are just beginning your investing journey or are looking to take your portfolio to the next level, Arbor stands ready with our talented team and decades of expertise. Given our vast experience and national footprint of successful deals, we are familiar with many common commercial real estate investor questions, such as the ones answered in this article.


Multifamily is Well-Positioned for Short- and Long-Term Growth

With the macroeconomy maintaining its underlying strength and a handful of rate cuts expected by the Fed within the next 18 months, green shoots of optimism within the multifamily sector are multiplying. Even as high interest rates impede normal operations, stabilization is underway while the sector’s long-term prospects remain unwavering. In this deep dive, our research teams will explore the tailwinds underpinning the multifamily sector’s short- and long-term outlook.

Refinance of Existing HUD-Insured Loan

FHA® Interest Rate Reduction (IRR) Refinance of Existing HUD-Insured Loan   Arbor provides this program to reduce the interest rate on qualified existing HUD-insured multifamily loans. The HUD-insured loan remains in place, with reduced payments based on the new rate, the current balance, and the remaining term. The existing prepayment penalty must be paid in full. V041624

Mortgage Insurance for Rental Housing for Urban Renewal and Targeted Redevelopment

FHA®220 Mortgage Insurance for Rental Housing for Urban Renewal and Targeted Redevelopment*   Arbor provides FHA-insured, long-term, fixed rate financing for new construction and substantial rehabilitation of multifamily projects nationwide. This program provides for both construction and permanent financing for projects in urban renewal areas and other areas where local governments have undertaken designated revitalization activities. Applications are typically processed in two stages (preliminary application followed by firm application). Affordable/rental assisted projects and HUDexperienced development teams may request a “straight to firm” application, saving significant time by eliminating the preliminary application stage. V020224


Regional Construction Trends: Annual Multifamily Completions Surged in the South and West

After the volume of newly issued multifamily permits hit a 37-year high in 2022, multifamily completions surged another 22.3% last year. As the sector continues to gain strength, its growth has remained concentrated in the southern and western regions of the country, according to an analysis of new data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Survey of Construction.


The Evolving Characteristics of Multifamily Construction

During the post-global financial crisis (GFC) cycle, a disproportionate share of new multifamily construction was of high-rise units in properties with amenities. However, the tides have turned. The rising cost of homeownership has brought the need for more affordable housing development in the U.S. to the top of many legislative agendas. In this deep dive, our research teams utilize data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of Construction to show how and why the characteristics of new multifamily properties continue to evolve alongside shifting market needs.


Video: Growing LGBTQIA+ Visibility in the CRE Industry

LGBTQIA+ Pride Month is recognized in June, but its lessons are timeless. During a recent conversation between Tres Seippel, Director, Construction Management at Arbor, and Dr. Sam Chandan, Founder of Chandan Economics, Founding Director, NYU Chen Institute for Global Real Estate Finance, and Co-Chair of the Real Estate Pride Council, Seippel shared why it is more important than ever for the industry to embrace visibility and show support for employees who identify as LGBTQIA+ or other diverse backgrounds.

General: 800.ARBOR.10

What a Difference Corporate Culture Makes!

From appreciation programs, to branding contests, to employee profiles, Arbor’s Corporate Culture Committee (CCC) is moving the needle forward toward fostering the best possible work environment for our people. Here’s a look at CCC’s achievements to date and what’s on the horizon …

Our Three Focus Areas

Employee Connectivity

Goal: Connect employees to the business and each other through both internal and external activities


Goal: Invite employee involvement, participation, feedback and input to make them part of major initiatives


Goal: Develop a consistent corporate culture brand and use internal and external channels to attract, retain and sustain employees

Employee Connectivity

Our Arbor After Hours employee profiles showcase our people and the unique and interesting ways they spend their time outside Arbor. They highlight the things employees do to give back to their communities, enrich their own lives, recharge and reenergize. From skydiving, to volunteering, to rising up to challenges, the popular articles in this continuing series add a human interest element to our business and connect employees to each other, personally and professionally.

See Who We’ve Featured

Coming up – We’re planning several new initiatives, including Arbor Appreciations, where we’ll celebrate employee milestones like birthdays, service anniversaries and special project completions. An employee recognition program, Who Brings Out the Best in You?, will provide a forum for employees to acknowledge outstanding coworkers. The idea is to recognize and reward employees for their contributions to our business and toward enhancing their work environment. We’ll also promote team-building off-sites, group gatherings and activities, anything that brings our people together.


In our robust Be the Best You Can Be video series, employees across the business get to share their Arbor journeys with their coworkers, and viewers get to learn more about their fellow employees’ careers, insights and accomplishments.

Stay Interviews are part of a recruitment effort where we talk with employees with longer tenures to find out why they chose to come – and stay – at Arbor, then we publish their quotes on both social media and internally on Captivate.






We held grand opening celebrations for our two newest offices in Boston and Atlanta.

Other Happenings

  • We’re working to better integrate and leverage our internal communications channels – including the intranet (X-Change), emails, videos and Captivate – to communicate consistently and comprehensively throughout our growing company
  • A special Intranet Redesign Task Force is bringing employees from all levels and areas of the company together to work toward a common goal: revamping, expanding and enhancing our intranet and renaming the X-Change
  • We’re increasing opportunities for employees to hear from, and connect with, executives through our social channels and events like Town Halls. Focused and heightened communication and interaction from corporate leaders will build employee engagement across the business

Coming up – More Arbor Meet and Greets will provide employees even greater opportunities to connect with executives, face-to-face, in a casual setting


The CCC is focused on any and all efforts to promote Arbor’s brand internally and externally. The Six-Word Story contest gave all employees across the business a voice, asking them to sum up what Arbor means to them in just six words. We received more than 100 submissions. Winning stories now brand the walls of many of our offices as a reminder of our values and corporate culture. All in Arbor green! Our written and video content further drives home our brand message and provides a glimpse into Arbor’s unique corporate culture.

Coming up – In addition to new initiatives, we’re committed to enhancing existing programs that drive Arbor’s brand in our communities and beyond. Community engagement includes expanding our Corporate Challenge events in cities like Atlanta, Dallas and Cleveland. We’re also developing our corporate social responsibility statement and defining our charitable giving. In the social media realm, we’re kicking off a 10K Follower LinkedIn campaign. And, we will be naming ‘Social Ambassadors’ among our employee base soon.

Corporate Culture Committee Members 2019-2020
