
Build-to-Rent Construction Continues Its Record-Breaking Ascent

Increasingly, single-family rental (SFR) operators have been relying on build-to-rent (BTR) development to bridge the housing gap, accelerating the momentum of SFR construction through 2024’s halfway point. Both total SFR/BTR housing starts and BTR’s share of all single-family housing starts reached new record highs in the second quarter, setting the stage for another banner year.

Current Reports

Small Multifamily Investment Trends Report Q3 2024

The small multifamily outlook continues to brighten as more signs indicate a normalization has already begun. In the second quarter, originations activity and borrowing conditions improved as completions sat at a five-decade high, Arbor’s Small Multifamily Investment Trends Report Q3 2024, developed in partnership with Chandan Economics, shows. While the subsector’s fundamentals are trending up, it still has room for growth when interest rate relief arrives.


Top Markets for Multifamily Permitting in 2024’s First Half

While the overall pace of new multifamily permitting per capita in the U.S. slowed recently, it has picked up momentum in pockets of the country, especially the Midwest. In the first two quarters of 2024, Madison, WI, Columbus, OH, and Omaha, NE, were among the major metropolitan markets posting solid permitting gains, another sign of multifamily’s strength in all cycles.


Top U.S. Multifamily Rent Growth Markets — Q2 2024

The U.S. multifamily market followed the quick pandemic contraction with a strong recovery, and has now normalized into a more stable cycle. Demand remained strong across the country, with a wide variety of markets among the leaders for rent growth.


Affordable Housing Supports Positive Physical and Mental Health

Did you know that more U.S. renters now spend over 30% of their income on housing and utilities than at any other time on record? Limited affordable housing options not only increase the rent burdens of low-income tenants but disrupt physical and mental health, underscoring the need for the creation and preservation of more affordable housing units nationwide. Quality affordable housing adds stability to communities and supports healthier environments that can significantly improve well-being.


U.S. Multifamily Market Snapshot — August 2024

After skyrocketing through a boom cycle over the past two years, the U.S. multifamily market settled into a cycle of stabilization in the first half of 2024. Rents held steady, occupancy increased, and vacancy rates remained in line with historical averages, while investor sentiment remained positive.


Annual SFR CMBS Issuance On Pace to Triple in 2024

Single-family rental (SFR) CMBS issuance saw a sizeable pickup through the first half of 2024, with $4.2 billion in new issuance, placing it on pace to at least triple last year’s annual total.


Arbor’s Build-to-Rent Financing: 10 Reasons to Choose a Premier Lender

Build-to-rent (BTR), a compelling solution to the U.S. housing market’s evolving needs, is experiencing record growth. BTR accounted for 8% of all single-family rental (SFR) construction starts in the 12 months that ended in the first quarter of 2024, according to Arbor’s Single-Family Rental Investment Trends Report Q2 2024. As the need for quality rental units remains high, borrowers have much to gain from partnering with an experienced lender who specializes in build-to-rent financing.

General: 800.ARBOR.10

Ivan Kaufman Shares His Housing Outlook on Yahoo! Finance

Yahoo Finance

While construction starts were down in February, Arbor Realty Trust’s CEO explains why he’s optimistic about the housing market

Despite construction starts declining 10.3% in February, the housing market is in a great position for success, noted Ivan Kaufman, the founder, chairman and CEO of Arbor Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE:ABR), in an interview with Yahoo! Finance’s Seana Smith and Jared Blikre.

“You have record appreciation. You have a creation of almost $4 trillion of wealth over the last 12 months. There’s not enough homes to go on the market for sale. People are hitting their asking prices. So I’m very, very bullish on the housing market,” Kaufman said. “I think there’s some temporary issues that are leading to those numbers. But I think overall, the housing market’s in a great space to win.”

Kaufman explained the biggest issue facing the housing industry is the lack of inventory available to meet surging supply.

“If you go to markets like Florida, Nashville, Phoenix, you don’t have the inventories. Homes come on the market, they’re sold. They’re selling for higher than the listing prices. So I think the abnormal demand that we saw due to COVID and due to the rapid drop in interest rates, that took a lot of the inventory.”

He added he expects in six to nine months, the market will begin to normalize and continue to grow throughout the year.

Watch the full interview here.