In Case You Missed It: Week of June 20 – 24

Eight fantastical cities of the future; It’s not just millennials who aren’t buying homes; Rents are booming, but for how long?
The State of the Nation’s Housing 2016
The Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University – June 22, 2016
“With household growth finally picking up, housing should help boost the economy. Although homeownership rates are still falling, the bottom may be in sight as the lingering effects of the housing crash continue to dissipate. Meanwhile, rental demand is driving the housing recovery, and tight markets have added to already pressing affordability challenges.”
It’s Not Just Millennials Who Aren’t Buying Homes
The Big Picture – June 21, 2016
“The data suggest that whatever is affecting millennials’ homeownership decisions is applicable to older individuals as well. Further, it seems there are other, possibly larger, factors affecting homeownership, such as the changing face of America.”
Rents Are Booming, But for How Long?
The Wall Street Journal – June 21, 2016
“After a five-year boom in which rents have jumped by about 20% nationwide, some of the nation’s biggest cities—New York, San Francisco, Seattle and Boston among them—are beginning to see slower increases.”
Eight Fantastical Cities of the Future
Builder – June 21, 2016
“With the world population expected to hit 9.6 billion people by 2050, architects and developers are looking for innovative ways to answer to growing housing demand as available space to build on dwindles.”
Millennials Want Peace and Quiet at Work, Not Free Snacks
Money – June 20, 2016
“The advisory firm surveyed more than 1,200 workers across industries about what the most important factors are in a healthy work environment. “The ability to focus and work without interruptions” was ranked #1 most important by 29% or respondents, while amenities (including free food) was selected by 0% of respondents.”
Advances in driverless cars will fuel suburban sprawl
The Wall Street Journal – June 20, 2016
“Your commute will be downright luxurious, quiet time in a vehicle designed to allow you to work or relax. Shared self-driving cars will have taken so many vehicles off the road—up to 80% of them, according to one Massachusetts Institute of Technology study—that you’re either getting to work in record time or traveling farther in the same time, to a new class of exurbs.”
And now for something completely different…
Led Zeppelin Win in ‘Stairway to Heaven’ Trial
Rolling Stone – June 23, 2016
“Led Zeppelin have won a copyright lawsuit that claimed they had plagiarized the music to their most celebrated song, ‘Stairway to Heaven.’”