This article discusses agency financing, with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now accounting for nearly half of outstanding multifamily mortgages.
Hunting High-Yield SFR Markets: Where to Find Double-Digit Returns

Single-family rentals (SFR) are anything but a passive investment. Much more goes into net operating income (NOI) or, more accurately, detracts from it than just gross rents. Investors must also consider rehab, taxes, concessions, vacancies, and a myriad of other expenses. And like any other investment, higher returns are generally associated with higher investment risk.

How Property Managers Handle Piling Up Packages

The growth of e-commerce has impacted many aspects of the real estate industry, and multifamily is no exception. As apartment renters increasingly shop online, property managers are grappling with the best strategy for dealing with an influx of package deliveries to their communities.

New Millennial Renters More Likely to be in STEAM Occupations

Small asset multifamily continues to support a broad range of Millennial workers, while those in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Design and Math (STEAM) occupations are renting at a faster clip.

Webinar: How to Spot Strong Small Balance Multifamily Investment Opportunities in L.A.

Join Arbor and Freddie Mac for our complimentary live webinar on Tuesday, Dec. 4 at 2:00 p.m. EST, hosted by Los Angeles Business Journal, to learn about the small balance finance and investment opportunities in L.A.!

Millennial Renter Income Profiles Mirror Market Averages

Young adult apartment renters earn as much as their older neighbors, with those living alone earning significantly higher income than the market average in downtown locations.

Small Apartment Properties Experience Uptick in Young Adults Renting Alone

As apartments continue to support Millennial demand in a variety of ways, small asset multifamily is experiencing an appreciable uptick in young renters living alone across the rental market.

Webinar: Optimizing Your Portfolio with Small Multifamily Financing

View our webinar on finance and investment opportunities in the small multifamily space! Moderated by economist Sam Chandan, this complimentary on-demand webinar from Arbor and Fannie Mae will present actionable ways for small multifamily owners and operators to optimize and expand their portfolios.

How Do Rents Compare by Unit Mix in New and Old Buildings?

Small apartment properties present strong value at both ends of the property age spectrum, with the most recent and prewar properties outperforming market averages across unit size.

Apartment Inventory Reveals Decades-Long Shift Toward Larger Unit Sizes

While small and large apartment buildings are specialized in terms of unit mix, inventory additions over time have been skewed toward larger units across both asset classes.

Small Apartment Buildings Show Tighter Rent Spread by Property Age

Compared to other rental properties, average rents in small asset multifamily vary less by property age, while rents for prewar buildings are going toe-to-toe with newer construction.