Finance 10 Items to Have on Hand for the Fastest Financing Possible When you’re ready to secure financing, we’re here to make the process go as smooth as possible. Having the following 10 items taken care of will help you stave off any last-minute road blocks. June 20
Finance Investment Small Balance Multifamily Investment Snapshot — Q3 2016 Here’s a quick look at the small balance multifamily finance and investment benchmarks for Q3 2016. January 31
Finance Multifamily Loans and Technology: The Wave of the Future Commercial real estate is rarely the first industry that comes to mind when thinking of technological innovation. But that is quickly change. January 23
Finance Investment Everything You Should Know about Multifamily Rent Rolls Submitting a comprehensive rent roll is one way to ensure the fastest access to multifamily financing. Here’s what a great rent roll looks like. April 28
Finance [VIDEO] 3 Quick Calculations for Apartment Deal Analysis Elite Apartment Coaching’s Chris Urso walks us through the basics of apartment deal analysis for financing. February 22
Finance 9 Questions to Ask Your Commercial Lender Whether you end up taking an Agency or Bank loan on your next apartment deal, there is no shortage of questions to ask your lender. February 5