While still below long-term averages, vehicle ownership is increasing across apartment properties.

While still below long-term averages, vehicle ownership is increasing across apartment properties.
Millennial students looking for off-campus accommodations in university towns rent more frequently in small apartment buildings, and at higher rates of apartment sharing.
While an overwhelming share of Millennials enrolled in degree programs continue to live with their families, living off-campus in apartment building shares can provide a smoother path toward independent living.
Strong economic growth, rising interest rates, and exceptionally tight labor markets contributed to small balance lending volume reaching an annualized rate of $47.0 billion through the first half of 2018, down 5.8% from last year.
The Southeast Region of the U.S. has continued to see strong rent growth, with nine of the 12 primary markets experiencing rent increases higher than the national average over the 12 months ending in Q2 2018. Vacancy rates across the region have skewed higher recently, driven by the addition of new supply in the markets.
Rental demand across the U.S. is on the rise, but the supply of apartments is not keeping pace, resulting in a housing shortage. Did you know that the U.S. needs 4.6 million more apartments by 2030 in order to keep up with demand? This new infographic from the National Multifamily Housing Council and National Apartment Association takes a look at the issue by the numbers:
A sizeable share of collegiate Millennials lives in off-campus rental accommodations, with apartment buildings dominating this segment.
Small apartment properties play a crucial role in maintaining affordable rental options for the workforce segment across US metros.